A Guide for Hangar Owners
Welcome to Hangar Direct, the premier marketplace connecting hangar owners with aircraft owners seeking secure and accessible hangar space. Our platform is designed to streamline the process of listing, renting, and managing hangar space, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your renters.
1 - Your Role and Responsibilities
As a hangar owner, you play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and safety of your hangar space. It is imperative to ensure that your hangar complies with all relevant Homeowners Association (HOA) guidelines, community standards, and local regulations, in accordance with state and federal laws. Hangar Direct does not assume liability for any allegations or claims related to violations, property damage, wrongful acts, or disputes arising from interactions between hangar owners and renters. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to verify that your hangar listings adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.
2 - Key Considerations for Hangar Owners
Compliance: Ensure your hangar meets all legal and regulatory requirements, including those set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and local authorities. For guidance on hangar use policies, refer to the FAA's Frequently Asked Questions on Hangar Use.
Insurance: Maintain appropriate insurance coverage for your hangar. This may include general liability insurance and hangar keepers liability insurance, which covers damage to non-owned aircraft in your care, custody, or control. Consult with an aviation insurance professional to determine the necessary coverage for your specific situation.
Transparency: Provide accurate and detailed information in your hangar listings, including dimensions, amenities, and any restrictions. Clear communication helps set expectations and fosters trust with potential renters.
3 - Hangar Direct's Role
Hangar Direct serves as a connecting platform, facilitating interactions between hangar owners and aircraft owners. We emphasize individual accountability and compliance with governing authorities. By participating in our platform, both hangar owners and renters acknowledge and consent to assume responsibility for their actions, adhering to legal and ethical standards.
4 - Getting Started
Create an Account: Sign up on our website to access the listing features.
List Your Hangar: Provide comprehensive details about your hangar, including location, size, amenities, and availability.
Manage Inquiries: Respond promptly to potential renters and maintain open communication throughout the rental process.
5 - Support & Resources
For assistance or further information, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team at info@hangardirect.com.
Thank you for choosing Hangar Direct. We look forward to supporting you in providing quality hangar space to the aviation community.
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